Struggling to Keep Up in Central Florida’s Fast-Paced Business Environment??

Discover the Leadershift Round Table Series – The Ultimate Solution for Thriving Amidst Rapid Change!

Let's Leadershift Together!

Navigating Unprecedented Growth and Challenges

Central Florida is under rapid fire change. For example, St. Cloud, Florida, is experiencing a boom like never before. The population is growing 60% faster than the state average, creating a dynamic business environment filled with both opportunities and challenges. As a local business owner or leader in central Florida, you might feel overwhelmed by...


Rapid Changes:


Keeping up with the fast-paced growth and evolving market demands.



Increased Competition:

Standing out and succeeding amidst a surge of new businesses.



Leadership Pressure:

Making strategic decisions to drive your business forward while managing daily operations.


Empower Yourself with the Tools and Strategies to Thrive

Introducing the Leadershift Round Table Series—a transformative program brought to you by entrepreneur Dana Wells and leadership expert Dr. Linda Travelute. This series will equip you with the essential skills to navigate today’s fast-paced market and drive your business towards success.

Dr. Linda Travelute

Dr. Linda Travelute

Ceo & Founder of Maximized Leaders, Certified John C. Maxwell executive coach, corporate facilitator,  and doctor of clinical psychology offers deep insights into leadership, mindset, and personal development so you and your business can thrive in a world of change. 

Dana Wells

Dana Wells

Empowering entrepreneur and owner of Levee Liquor & Gas, Chairperson of the Economic Development Committee at the St. Cloud Chamber of Commerce, and esteemed Board of Directors member. Dana brings a wealth of practical business acumen and invaluable community leadership experience.

From Dirk Webb, President and CEO, St. Cloud Chamber of Commerce

"Dr. Linda Travelute is, without a doubt, a leadership guru.  When our Chamber brought in a new set of employees she guided us through a DISC workshop.  The session set us up for success as a team and we still are reaping the benefits.  In addition, she facilitated our Board retreat drawing great conversation and goal setting for us as an organization.

Dana Wells has been a driving force within the St. Cloud Chamber for several years.  As a Board Member, Committee Chair and phenomenal corporate contributor, Dana puts her community front and center every time."

Join Us at Leadershift!

The Cost of Inaction

If you’re not actively adapting to these changes, you risk falling behind. The consequences of not addressing these challenges are significant:

  • Stagnation: Failing to innovate and grow can lead to business stagnation or decline.
  • Missed Opportunities: Inability to capitalize on the booming market can result in lost revenue and growth potential.
  • Leadership Burnout: Without the right strategies, the pressure can lead to burnout, affecting your ability to lead effectively.

Which of these apply to you? The fact that you've made it this far means you have a commitment to growing your business. But you don’t want to be left struggling while others seize the opportunities that St. Cloud’s growth presents.



What is the Leadershift Round Table Series?

Dive into a roundtable series that reveals the shifts you should make over the course of you career to keep innovating, improving, and influencing others to the highest levels of success in today’s unprecedented business climate.

Inspired by John C. Maxwell: The series draws from Maxwell’s influential book, Leadershift. We will dive into these Essential Changes Leaders Must Make:


  • The Abundance Shift: Move beyond maintaining the status quo and step into a mindset of creation and growth, fueling your team's success.
  • The Reproduction Shift: Transition from climbing the corporate ladder to building ladders for others, fostering a culture of mentorship and leadership development.
  • The Improvement Shift: Transform your team from uniformity to diversity, unlocking creativity and innovation within your organization.
  • The Impact Shift: Elevate your team members from being trained leaders to becoming transformational leaders who inspire lasting change.
  • The Adaptive Shift: Learn how to navigate from rigid Plan A strategies to flexible Option A approaches, ensuring your team remains agile and resilient.
  • The Production Shift: Shift your focus from personal advancement to empowering others, turning your leadership into a legacy of growth and achievement.
  • The Influence Shift: Go beyond positional authority and cultivate moral authority, leading with integrity and earning trust to make a deeper impact.


Change is so rapid today that leaders must do more than stay the course to be successful. If they aren’t nimble and ready to adapt, they won’t survive. The key is to learn how to leadershift.


Join the Leadershift Roundtable Series to unlock these shifts and propel your leadership and team to the next level.



Join Us in Shaping the Future of Central Florida.


The Leadershift Round Table Series offers a unique opportunity to enhance your leadership skills and drive growth in your enterprise. Sessions are scheduled every Tuesday from September 3rd to October 8th, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, at the newly renovated boardroom of the St. Cloud Chamber of Commerce.

You'll Recieve:

  • Your copy of Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace, by N.Y. Times best-selling author and #1 leadership expert, John C. Maxwell 
  • Workbook 

Flexible Participation Options:

  • In-Person: Engage directly with speakers, facilitators, and fellow participants.
  • Zoom: Participate remotely, ensuring accessibility for everyone.
  • Recorded Sessions: So you won't miss a beat.

You might think that participating in the Leadershift Roundtable is time-consuming, but that's a good thing, because most businesses (including your competitors) won't take the time to do it, so you'll be the one that stands out.

I want to stand out!

From Dana &

Dr. Linda:

To us, your success is personal. You’re not in this alone.



Connect & Grow Together

Collaborative Environment

Build relationships with fellow local leaders and business owners.

Shared Insights

Exchange experiences and strategies to tackle common challenges.

Supportive Community

Join a network of motivated individuals committed to growth and excellence.

Empowering Leaders  to Thrive in a World of Change

The Leadershift Round Table Series is not just about learning—it’s about catalyzing change within St. Cloud’s business community. Dana Wells and Dr. Linda Travelute provide actionable guidance and support, empowering participants to challenge existing limitations and explore new paths to success.

  • Dana Wells: Levee Liquor owner and Chairperson of the Economic Development Committee at the St. Cloud Chamber of Commerce, brings practical business acumen.
  • Dr. Linda Travelute: A  certified John C. Maxwell executive coach and doctor of clinical psychology, offers deep insights into leadership, mindset, and personal development so you and your business can thrive in a world of change.

In Person


Most Popular

  • Engage directly with speakers, facilitator, and fellow participants in person at the St. Cloud Chamber
  • Copy of Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace, by N.Y. Times best-selling author and #1 leadership expert, John C. Maxwell 
  • Workbook 
  • Access to recorded sessions
Reserve My Seat

Dynamic Duo


$50 Savings for 2ppl

  • Engage directly with speakers, facilitator, and fellow participants in person at the St. Cloud Chamber
  • Copy of Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace, by N.Y. Times best-selling author and #1 leadership expert, John C. Maxwell 
  • Workbook 
  • Access to recorded sessions
  • $50 Savings for 2 Participants
Reserve 2 Seats



Via Zoom

  • Virtually engage directly with speakers, facilitator, and fellow participants via Zoom
  • Copy of Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace, by N.Y. Times best-selling author and #1 leadership expert, John C. Maxwell (shipped to you)
  • Workbook Digital Version
  • Access to recorded sessions
Reserve Virtual Seat
Frequently Asked Questions

Maximized Leaders

Dr. Linda Travelute and her team of certified leadership & development facilitators, coaches, and consultants blend leadership legend John Maxwell's magic with psych savvy at Maximized Leaders. Think zingy workshops, insightful coaching, assessments that score, and magnetic keynotes, all sprinkled with behavioral mojo to maximize your leadership. Learn more by visiting our Maximized Leaders Website.

Maximized Leaders